From the podcast feed, Chad Rhodes and Charlotte Elia discuss the relationship between faith and doubt. Are they truly opposites or can they complement each other? Is it even fair to disparage Thomas as “Doubting?” What should we do when we experience doubt? How should we react to others facing uncertainty? Are faith and belief the same thing? And perhaps most importantly, do you think Jesus sang jazz?
Charlotte: I think it's a mistake from the get-go to approach faith and doubt as though they're opposites in some way.
Chad: What would you say the opposite of faith is?
Charlotte: Apathy, maybe? I mean, something that's not at all invested. Doubt is still maintaining a relationship. It's wrestling with feeling unsteady or uncomfortable, with feeling a disconnect from something that you believe is still there. Doubt is a wrestling and a questioning that’s still affirming that there is something to wrestle and question, whereas apathy is a total disconnect. So that’s opposite to me, to not be engaged whatsoever. I mean, doubt is in some way faith seeking understanding.