What is Love in the Christian Tradition?
It's both more than we'll ever fathom and the simplest thing in existence.
In this episode Chad Rhodes and Charlotte Elia celebrate Valentine's Day by discussing love in the Christian tradition. This episode also serves as something of a preview of the manuscript Chad has written on this topic.
Chad: The one thing that always remains the same in our love relationships is constantly we want what is good for the other person. I think that gets closer to what is essential to love. When we love another person, we want what is good for them, regardless of how we feel. And we can turn that around. If we don’t want what is good for the other person, do we really love them? […] Love and the good are intimately related. When we love ourselves and when we love others, we are wanting what’s good for ourselves; we are wanting what is good for others. […]
Love is a whole life-orientation toward the good.